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Radiant Mind Foundation

About Us

The world today is rather disruptive, very volatile, full of uncertainty, rather complex, and ambiguous. Society has however not prepared us for this type of environment. If it has, the well-being of our minds has not been catered for which has led to growth in life achievements but not a life of fulfillment and transformation.


The MGF, therefore, seeks to provide a platform where global communities can flourish with healthy mindsets.


We believe that adversity does not define your destiny


To edify others in our communities through mindset renewal platforms.


To transform global communities through mindset, change, and growth.

Specific Objectives
  • Enhance community livelihoods through increased innovation and growth in communities
  • Equip individuals with tools for sustainable Radiant Mind
  • Empower leaders to cause community transformation
  • Respect - Respect for self and others
  • Honour - Give honour where it is due
  • Accountability - Accountable for our actions to others

About me

My Biography

People Developer. Author. Coach. TADAT Assesor

Blenda is the founder of Mindset Growth Foundation. She has over 15 years of experience in people development. During this period, it has come to her realization that the core of people's development is mindset. With her experience coupled with research done in mindset development, Blenda has authored a book Overpowering a Toxic Mindset: Restructure the Thought Patterns that will help you transform from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. She strongly believes that your adversity does not define your destiny and has therefore developed programs that will help you discover and flourish in your true north. Life is like a campus and the waves will take you in their direction of preference. It is upon you to sail against the tides when you discover your true north

  • Accountability
  • Growth
  • Transformation
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